A Spruce Grove sunset with Andrea and Dave
In the later stages of our amazingly warm autumn, we had a brief cool snap (not cold enough to be called "cold) but by evening time with the sun fading, and winds blowing, it was pretty darn cold! And that's when we got together with Andrea and Dave in Spruce Grove. Andrea didn't even bring a jacket! Brave girl, what can I say?
We still had a rockin' time though.
We headed over to a ravine where Andrea used to live by growing up.
Sigh... soon this view will be no more. It looks like they're building a bunch of houses right on the other side of the tree line.
And we stopped at a playground. It's hard to resist! They're so fun!
Sunset and water seem to go so well together!
Thanks for braving the cold, guys! (My hands were so frozen I could barely operate the camera by the end) Looking forward to the wedding!
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