Kristeena and Wayne's 'seedy' engagement...
Well, June is a tough month for people with allergies because the trees were releasing seeds all over the place! Many parts of the river valley looked like it had been snowed on! So in addition to the mosquitos were the seeds flying all over, which was perfect for Kristeena and Wayne's black outfits... ha ha ha.
We started out on the High Level Bridge.
Such a happy couple!
The sun was falling quickly!
Then we headed UNDER the bridge.
Eventually, Kristeena and Wayne ended up having a seed fight. If the seeds could have been rolled up into projectiles like snow, I'm sure they would have used it.
And soon we ended up at the Powerplant, Wayne's favourite U of A hangout. Where every engineer likely spends most of their degree. hahaha
All Merry and I could say is... thank you for the entertainment. You guys are just too funny and have great senses of humour. We probably never stopped laughing the whole time! The wedding is sure to be a blast!
Click HERE to watch a slideshow, which of course includes the seed fight.